onsdag 20 januari 2010

Lego War

Still a war is going on. Still feeling shot. Still shooting myself. Still shooting others. Still the world keeps on turning. My speed ain't going fast enough. My speed is never enough.

If life is acknowledged by what decisions we make, the ultimate truth must be that we're here for no reason. We're born blanc. Life is up to you, and you better find something that keeps you alive. Otherwise, we have no purpose.

If life is acknowledged by our thoughts, the ultimate truth must be to find a reason why we exist. Because then we're not born blanc, then we're here to a truth we have no idea what, and we're determined to find. Otherwise, we have no purpose.

If a objective truth is what everyone knows exist, a truth, like 1+1 always equals two. i've got on pen, i add one pen, i got two pens. Then the subjective truth is what we believe, one by one. Do we want to make our subjective truths objective, or are we products of what objective truth has made us, so the subjective truth is actually nonexistent?

But can a subjective truth become objective?

Can humans be truth?

2 kommentarer:

louise sa...

christ, skrev du den själv?

Johanna Brodin sa...

haha jada, det va lite kvallsfunderingar bara, men tack :)